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Pips Tartar is not your average individual – she talks to fruits. A humourous and provocative journey into the mind of a most colourful character.

In 1988, having pink hair was highly uncommon and my 22-year old film partner and I (who was also 22) used it as an analogy for intolerance against gender, sexuality, race, economic situation and so on.

And yes, 30 years later this film does feel a little ham-fisted! But it was a fun, second year, Communication Studies project that required us to work without sync-sound equipment. Crazy to think there was a time when sound wasn’t automagically attached to the image!

Written and directed by Donna Barker and singer/songwriter Suzanne Nuttall.

Starring Pips Tartar as “A Difference”
Main Voice: Alexandra Robertson
Newscaster: Suzanne Nuttall
Other Voices: Mathieu Holland, Donna Barker

This 16mm film was produced with support from the Communications Studies Department at Concordia University, under the supervision of teacher/filmmaker Rick Hancox.